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Objective 2: Demonstrate the ability to assemble resources and infrastructure needed to successfully take technologies to market.

Project 1:

The first project for second objective I used a project where I was in charge of designing of high end apocalyptic apartment style building. It will be built inside of an old missile silo and will be used to provide shelter to the occupants during the "Zombie Apocalypse". The main part of this project that meets the objective, was I had to assemble all the resources/costs to remodel the structure.

Project 2:

For the next project in Objective 2 I used a marketing project where I had to create a fake company and ads in order to take it to market. In this project I created three different ads and showed how they would be used in the enviroment. I also came up with a plan for them being used pre-launch but also how the company would stay relevant post-launch.

Final MKT120 Reynolds (1)
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